
Friday 27 February 2015

Our fourth class...

Colours, Fruits & Numbers

For our fourth lesson I would like to combine fruits, colours and numbers...

Please bring your note books.

Here is a really cute song, especially because they all talk about Pepa Pig!

This a sweet little counting song...

I have some counting games we can play and as always we will all go on our imaginary journey... but this time we will row there singing this beautiful song...

Row, Row Row your boat

I hope you all have a smashing weekend and I'll see you on Thursday!

Saturday 21 February 2015

Our third class..

Thursday the 27th of February 2015

Fruits & Colours 

Dear all!

For our third class I would like to talk about fruit & colours...

We can use our note pads to draw a picture of our kids' favourite piece of Fruit...

It could be a strawberry... or an apple... or a bunch of grapes

Think about the colours you need to draw your chosen fruit.

Check out these illustrations...

Our songs:

Sing a rainbow

Five little fruits jumping on the bed...

5 little fruits jumping on the bed
Apple fell off and bumped its head!
Banana called the doctor and the doctor said... "No more fruits jumping on the bed."

4 little fruits jumping on the bed
Banana fell off and bumped its head!
Orange called the doctor and the doctor said... "No more fruits jumping on the bed."

3 little fruits jumping on the bed
Orange fell off and bumped its head!
Strawberry called the doctor and the doctor said... "No more fruits jumping on the bed."

2 little fruits jumping on the bed
Strawberry fell off and bumped its head!
Grape called the doctor and the doctor said... "No more fruits jumping on the bed."

1 little fruit jumping on the bed
Grape fell off and bumped its head!
Apple called the doctor and the doctor said..."Put those fruits right to bed!"

See you on Thursday! 

Friday 20 February 2015

Vocabulary from our second class...


Miss Edith the Emu
Mr Kevin the Kiwi

Miss Edith is a bird...

She can't fly...
but she can run really fast!

Miss Edith is a big bird!
She has really soft fur, big brown eyes and a big beak!
Here are some baby Emus...

And here is an adult Emu... Just like Edith

Check out these websites for more information...

Kevin the Kiwi is a bird...

He can't fly...
But he can run really fast!

Kevin the Kiwi is a little bird, with soft fluffy fur, little eyes and a long yellow beak

Here is a video about Kiwis

Please make a note of the Vocabulary in your note books and perhaps draw a little picture of the Miss Edith the Emu and Kevin the Kiwi.

Thank you for coming!!

Friday 13 February 2015

Our second class....CARNIVAL

Hello again!

All the kids could come in fancy dress (disfrazados)...

Please could you bring a little puppet along, or a lolly stick, or anything similar, so that we could play a game... Take a look at this example;

Here are some songs you could learn for our second class on Thursday the 19th of February;

Its Carnival Time!!
Head, shoulders, knees and Toes...

Twinkle, twinkle little star...

And an imaginary trip to the Animal Fair!

Please bring your own little notebook... Thank you.

Our first class all together!

Our first class all together...

Good afternoon everyone!

Thank you for coming to our introduction class on Thursday... I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.

Here are some of the songs we sang;

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy to my tummy tummy tummy...

The Hoki Koki (also known as the Hokey Pokey) This video is not exactly how we sang this song, but it will be good to practice with... Just remember the lyrics for the chorus;

Oooooooh the Hoki Koki
Oooooooh the Hoki Koki
Oooooooh the Hoki Koki
Knees bend arms stretched ra ra ra...

Old McDonald had a farm... This is a really cute version of how we sing it in class...

I hope you all have a great weekend!
Best wishes....

Friday 6 February 2015

¿En que consiste nuestra clase?

Buenos dias,

La clase de M.F.T esta creada para que los padres puedan aprender o practicar inglés con su hijo/hija. 

Para mantener la atención de los niños y a la vez que disfruten los padres... la clase está dividida en 5 o 6 partes;

18.00: Otra educadora y yo tendríamos a los niños sin los padres y aprenderíamos con canciones, juegos y vocabulario (flash cards.)

18.15: Entrarían los padres y haríamos un pequeño un calentamiento (warmer). Por ejemplo, podramos hablar de como fue el fin de semana.... Lo que me gustaría es que poco a poco los padres hablasen entre ellos en ingles (un nivel básico ol mas alto si pidieran).

18.20: Comenzariamos nuestro viaje imaginario.  En cada clase nos iriamos a un sitio diferente.. al zoo, a una granja, a la playa o a la montaña.  Cada viaje tendria un vocabulario especifico y a veces repetiriamos el viaje para que los padres y los niños tuvieran la oportunidad de practicar de nuevo.  También se aprenderia vocabulario sobre el desayuno, diferentes formas de transporte y muchísimo mas!

18.30: Ahora nos sentariamos, los niños en medio de un circulo y los padres alrededor para que yo pudiera leer un cuento.

18.40: Haríamos una actividad. Me gustaría que los niños y los padres trabajasen juntos para crear un cuaderno del vocabulario que han aprendido, los padres les puede ayudar a dibujar y escribir sobre ello. Podrian traer pegatinas, fotos o cualquier cosa que les ayudara a aprender ingles.

18.55: Para terminar la clase cantaríamos todos juntos las canciones que más nos gusten de la clase.  Algo divertido y energético para que todos saliesemos animados y contentos!

Cada semana escribiría un blog sobre las temas que fueramos tratar a en clase.  Las canciones y actividades etc.  Así los padres que tuvieran un nivel mas básico podrian aprenderlo antes de la clase.

Espero que podais venir el jueves día 12 de febrero para que podáis ver como es la clase y si os interesa venir cada semana.

Muchas gracias

Un saludo

Lisa Jane Grant 

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Introducing iFriendly M.F.T English group

iFriendly M.FT - English group

This group is for parents who would like to learn English with their Toddlers. (Childred aged 1-3)
Whether you have a basic level, intermediate or even a higher level... this is a class created especially for children and parents.  Learning together can be more fun than you think!

The aim is for parents and children to learn together and make it easier for children to communicate in English at home and elsewhere!

M - Mothers

F - Fathers
T - Toddlers

We started in October 2014... Please click on the link below, this will take you to our Facebook group.